

NOVA School of Science and Technology researchers involved in the creation of simplified fan models


MiniVent - Minimalist Ventilator for COVID-19 is the name of the clinical research project that brings together scientists from the NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA) and the NOVA Medical School.

The team of researchers created minimalist models, produced with ordinary materials, using 3D printing and with a production cost of less than 1000 euros, which aims to respond to the urgent need to provide intensive care units with more ventilators for patients with COVID-19.

After testing on living beings successfully, the ventilators are now closer to being certified by Infarmed - National Authority for Medicines and Health Products.

The research team responsible for the project believes that these fans could generate a big difference in health systems in countries where these devices do not exist, regardless of the evolution of the pandemic.

“We aim to explore, in the future, ways to train local teams from countries with needs of this type of equipment so that they can assemble their own fans, as these are truly simple to do and use, they are reliable and are relatively more inexpensive”, says Luís Gil, Professor at FCT NOVA.

MiniVent has been developed, since March of this year, by a multidisciplinary team, composed of researchers from the NOVA School of Science and Technology (research centers UNIDEMI, CTS and LIBPhys) and the NOVA Medical School (CHRC), first through self-organization, then financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology, under the RESEARCH 4 COVID19 program, and, more recently, financed by the National Innovation Agency. The project has a partnership with the University of Coimbra, through the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics and the Institute of Nuclear Sciences Applied to Health.


Investigadores portugueses criam modelos simplificados de ventiladores (Jornal Económico)

Investigadores portugueses criam ventiladores simplificados e mais baratos (Exame Informática)

Ventiladores médicos: investigadores portugueses criam modelos simplificados (Press Point)

Ventiladores da FCT NOVA e NOVA Medical School aguarda certificação da Infarmed (TekSapo)

Investigadores portugueses criam modelos simplificados de ventiladores (Descla)

Portuguese researchers create simplified fan models (PortugaliNews)

Investigadores portugueses criam modelos simplificados de ventiladores (Cultura e Não Só)