The A3Ple consortium, composed by CEMOP / UNINOVA and CENIMAT / I3N received the award for best demonstrator project financed by public funds, which was assigned by the OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics - Association) during the prestigious exhibition LOPEC - Large- area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention 2015 held last week in Munich.
Sports Fest 2015 will take place in May, 8th - 11th, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Integrative Structural Biology tools for the study of protein-ligand interactions
The course will take place at FCT-Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, in the campus of Caparica, Portugal, from 13-19 July 2015.
In the past 7 and 8 March, the 1st edition of this event took place at FCT-UNL. This is a very popular initiative in foreign universities, particularly in the USA (Boston University and John Hopkins University), during which, groups of students join and work together to develop an application or a website.
The annual meeting of the waste sector meets once more its main actors in what is recognized as the ideal opportunity for discussing the issues that make the current market and their stakeholders.
The WEX Award 2015-Water and Energy, given in Istanbul to the application submitted by Águas de Portugal, was based on a network research project supported by several companies of AdP’s Group, as well as by a number of higher education institutions including FCT/UNL, here represented by Prof. Leonor Amaral (Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering) and by the student Pedro Sequeira Pinto.
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) announced that Rita Sobral, from UCIBIO at FCT-NOVA, has been awarded a research grant to study “A new target inside an old molecule: glutamate amidation of peptidoglycan”.
The e-Health Research Symposium took place last February at FCT/UNL, which was organized by the Digital Media UT Austin - Portugal.
On March 2nd, 2015, Professor Isabel Nunes took office as FCT-UNL's Assistant Director, assuming the planning and the quality management areas.
Applications are invited for Science and Technology Management ScholarShip (BGCT), in Laboratório Associado I3N Ref.ª LA0025 Pólo CENIMAT, FCT/UNL, financed by FCT/MEC through national funds and when applicable co-financed by FEDER, in the PT2020 Partnership Agreement.