

First explosives tests performed under the Protocol established between the Military Academy and the FCT-UNL


Last February, the first full-scale tests with explosives were performed at Santa Margarida’s Military Campus in the framework of the Security CINAMIL Research Project and Structural Building Integrity due to accidental or caused explosions (SI4E).

The current project results from a partnership established by the Protocol signed between the Military Academy and the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT) of the New University of Lisbon, integrating researchers of this entity and from the Army.

The  performed tests allowed to essay 4 concrete prefabricated wall panels with a strengthening solution produced by FCT’s laboratories, with a  2 kg load and 8 kg of TNT, spaced 2.0 to 3.0 m, in an attempt to determine permanent deformations obtained in the tested elements, by comparison to models without structural reinforcement, and validating the automatic calculation models.

This matter belongs to the ancestral context of Military Engineering, but is also on the agenda today due to terrorism and to the use Explosive Devices against strategic State and Defense infrastructures.