

Professor Mário Secca, FCT NOVA, receives honorable mention at the Prémios COP I Fundação Millennium BCP Ciências do Desporto 2015 awards


Professor Mário Secca da FCT NOVA recebe menção honrosa no âmbito dos Prémios CO

Professor Mário Secca Forjaz from the Department of Physics (DF) FCT NOVA participated in a research that received an honorable mention at the Prémios COP I Fundação Millennium BCP Ciências do Desporto 2015 awards.

In the 2015 edition 32 nominations were received for the three categories in competition: Economics, Law and Sports Management, Physiology and Biomechanics of Sport, History and Sociology of Sport.

Professor Mário Secca, research co-authored with Filipa Oliveira da Silva, João António Veloso Prieto, Sérgio Alves and Michael Noseworthy earned the honorable dimension to the work ‘’Avaliação da arquitetura muscular da perna através da imagem de tensor de difusão: alterações com a fadiga induzida pelo ciclo muscular de alongamento-encurtamento’’.