

FCT NOVA receives KAUST Ambassador to Europe, General Michel Xavier


FCT NOVA receives KAUST Ambassador to Europe, General Michel Xavier

At the invitation of the Department of Materials Science the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology visit the FCT NOVA for the cooperation in education and research, involving:

• Student exchange;
• Promotion of KAUST as host site for students who want to master's thesis projects;
• Opening of the KAUST doctoral plans involving joint guidelines by the NOVA teachers;
• Joint projects in areas such as:

Materials; petroleum engineering; sustainable chemistry; electronic systems; information technology; industrial management; biophysics and bioengineering; catalysis; environmental impacts and use of water resources and desalination.

KAUST presentation will be held by General Michel Xavier, current Ambassador of KAUST to Europe, held on March 9, from 9:00 to 10:30am, at the Amphitheatre Leopoldo Guimarães (CENIMAT). The session is open to all who wish to participate.



09:00 to 09:30am: Presentation of Prof. F. Santana, Dean of FCT NOVA
09:30 to 10:30am: Presentation of General M. Xavier, KAUST Ambassador to Europe
10:30am to 12:00pm: Discussion and plan of potential partnerships
14:00 to 16:00pm: Lab visits


KAUST presentation will be held by the General Michel Xavier, current Ambassador of KAUST to Europe, on March 9, from 9:00 to 10:30am, at the Amphitheatre Leopoldo Guimarães (CENIMAT).


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