

Arquivo de notícias de April de 2015

Students of the Integrated Master in Computer Science and Informatics, Raquel Macedo and André Pontes, receive de Caloiros da NOVA 2014 Awards.


In 2014, Portugal registered a significant growth in this type of grants. This growth can reverse the modest position occupied by our country when compared to Member States with a similar population. However, there remain countries with less population, such as Denmark and Finland, with more accumulated grants.


The CMA and the DCEA organize the workshop dedicated to the planning of "Green Infrastructure and Regional Resilience" that will take place next May 9 in Setúbal.


The campaign "Facit and Mother's Day" earned 935.3 €, € 200of which resulted from the sale of minerals. Our great thanks to all the volunteers and to those who offered cakes and coffees!


These days,  20 and May 21, from 10:00 am to 06:00 p.m, FCT-UNl is receiving the 4th Edition of the Engineers Mobility Days (EMD). The EMD 2015 is organized by EURES Portugal and the IEFP, in close collaboration with the Faculty of Science and Technology, of the New University of Lisbon and its Students' Association (AEFCT). This first afternoon, around 1000 visitors were already at EMD.


Applications are invited for Science and Technology Management Grants (BGCT), under UID/CTM/50025/2013 project in Associated Laboratory I3N Ref.ª LA0025 Pólo CENIMAT, FCT/UNL, financed by FCT/MEC through national funds and when applicable co-financed by FEDER, in the PT2020 Partnership Agreement


NOVA LINCS is a partner of several recently approved UE COST actions MPM4CPS, Reversible computation, and ARVI.


The teams of two of FCT-UNL’s  research centers, the CENIMAT (Materials Research Center) and the UCBIO (Biomolecular Applied Sciences Unit), led respectively by Professor Elvira Fortunato and Professor Carlos Salgueiro, created a paper sensor that detects within minutes the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens .


The winner of the eighth edition of the “Santander/UNL Collaborative Research Award”, dedicated to Life Sciences, is the work "Recap of late Alzheimer's disease using three-dimensional cultures of human neurons."


Papel de fotocópia da Portucel é utilizado com sucesso como teste rápido na detecção de bactérias e dá origem a publicação no Scientific Reports do  grupo Nature




Boris Mirkin seminar series on  knowledge extraction and automatic classification of taxonomies.



TunaMaria, FCT-UNL’s female “tuna”, participated in the 3rd edition of the "Vai Rapariga Festival", organized by the School of Agriculture held on 17 and 18 April. 
