R: The request is submitted to the Academic Affairs Unit of the Rectory of NOVA University Lisbon ( by filling in the form available on the website of Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES).
R: You can check the associated fees here.
R: After receiving the request, the Academic Affairs Unit will send it to the School best suited to the specific area of study.
At NOVA-FCT, the request is forwarded to one of the Departments, whose President appoints a panel of Professors to hold an assessment meeting, in which a decision is issued on whether to accept or reject the recognition. The meeting minutes are then sent to the Academic Affairs Unit, so that the applicant can be informed of the result.
R: The panel's decision is issued within 90 working days of the submission of the request.
R: Yes. You can appeal the decision, with the appropriate justification, to the Academic Affairs Unit.
R: Panels appointed to assess recognition requests are posted in the NOVA-FCT website.
R: It is not possible to ask for urgency when submitting a recognition request.