


Collaborative Laboratories, more commonly referred to as CoLABs, are private nonprofit associations or companies that bring academia closer to the industrial sector, thus creating synergies that facilitate and drive knowledge transfer to the marketplace.

The CoLABs are part of the Interface Programme and the "Commitment to Science and Knowledge” Agenda. Their main objective is to directly and indirectly create qualified and scientific employment in Portugal through the implementation of research and innovation agendas oriented towards the creation of economic and social value.

NOVA FCT participates in nine collaborative laboratories that are working to find the best innovative and sustainable solutions in the areas of agriculture, health, cybersecurity, food, environment, circular economy and biorefineries. These are the following ones:  

  • ALMASCIENCE - Cellulose For Sustainable Smart Applications
  • InnovPlantProtect - Innovative bio-based crop protection solutions
  • Value4Health.CoLAB - Portuguese Value-based Healthcare Colab
  • SFCoLAB – Smart Farm CoLAB
  • CECOLAB - Collaborative Laboratory Towards Circular Economy
  • VORTEX - Colab In Cyber-Physical And Cyber-Security Systems
  • NET4CO2 - NETwork for a Sustainable CO2 Economy
  • CoLAB4Food - Collaborative Laboratory for Innovation in the Food Industry
  • Bioref-  Colaborative Laboratory For Research And Innovation On Biorefineries