

Arquivo de notícias de January de 2013

Research grant for Projecto IDT nº 23043 – Gluecork


The National Laboratory for Civil Engineering,the Faculty of Medical Sciences of UNL, the Faculty of Science and Technology of UNL, the Lisbon´s Hospital Center and National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge are pleased to announce the 1st Workshop of the Research Project Environment and Health in children day care centres (ENVIRH)to be held at the Congress Center of LNEC on 18 of January of 2013


During the time that the exhibition "Fins, Wings & Limbs" John Carvalho, is open to the public at the Library of FCT/UNL, there will be 3 workshops on scientific illustration. No specific skills are required to attend the workshops.
Learn more here



January 8, 2013 | February 28, 2013

Monday to Friday | 09:00 to 20:00

Studio Room, Library FCT / UNL

Opened: January 8th, 2013 | 17:00



The winning work is entitled "Nanotechnologies and Materials for Microelectronics at FCT-UNL: an open window to the world", and has been highlighted the very high character of scientific and technical innovation in the achieved outcomes.


January 15, 2012 | 28 February 2013

Monday to Friday | 09:00 to 20:00

Multiusos Room Library FCT / UNL

Opened: January 15, 2012 | 17:30
