

Arquivo de notícias de July de 2013

This Programme is supported by European Union and QREN/POPH and managed by aiecep Portugal Global.


Grant for the development of activities of I&D, in the framework of  the project CaPolme-calcium Biofortificed Apples, funded by PRODER Programme.


Grant  application for the development of activities of I&D, in the framework of the project SeARROZ- Biofortified Rice in selenium, funded by PRODER Programme.


The European Transport Congress 2013 will take place in Czech Technical University, Prague, September 19-20.


José Nuno Varandas and Manuel Gonçalves da Silva, both from Civil Engineering Department, were award the Prize for the best paper by a university researcher at the 12th International Conference and Exhibition Railway Engineering 2013, held in Londres 10th - 11th July


To undertake research and technological development work within the project, namely studies at laboratory and industrial level to develop new products for specific requests of the market, at lower costs and high quality assurance from the nutritional and food security point of view, flexing and optimizing the production process.


Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship (BI, Master) within the Strategic Project Ref.: PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2013, in Laboratório Associado I3N Pólo CENIMAT, FCT/UNL, financed by FCT-MCTES.


Call for candidates for a Research sholarship in the framework of the agreement between Instituto de Registo e Notariado and Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of UNLfor research on machine translation engines


A call for candadates to a Research Scholarship to be assigned in the framework of the agreement between Instituto de Registo e Notariado and Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of UNL for research work on bilingual discrimination of word or phrase meanings for translation


Students Rita Bridges, Alexandre Oliveira and Pedro Baiao, from the Integrated Master Degree in Engineering Micro and Nanotechnologies, were the American Corner Prize winners. Helena Gomes, a student of the FCT / UNL's Doctoral Program in Environment, received the Honor Award for work using Hyperspectral Imaging Analysis for Iron Nanoparticles in Soil Remediation.


10 | Julho | 2013 às 10:30h no Auditório da Biblioteca  FCT/UNL- Entrada Livre


15 de Julho de 2013


Auditório da Biblioteca da FCT/UNL

Entrada Livre
