

Technical Group of the European Commission for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive meets at UNL


The EUCC - The Marine and Coastal Union and the UNL (through the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering and e-GEO, Centre for Studies in Geography and Regional Planning, School of Social Sciences and Humanities) organize the meeting of the Technical Group of the European Commission for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Subgroup on marine liter, held in Lisbon from 11 to 13 December 2013. 


This is a technical group of experts from various countries of the European Union met in Lisbon and that in order to discuss various issues relating to the implementation of the Strategy. 


Are involved in the organization by the UNL José Carlos Ferreira and Paula Sobral (DCEA) and Carlos Pereira da Silva and Adelaide Ferreira (FCSH)