

40 Years of Computer Science and Informatics at NOVA


40 Years of Computer Science and Informatics at NOVA

First degree in Informatics Engineering in Portugal. In 2015 the Department of Informatics of the NOVA University is a reference in teaching and research in Informatics, areas in which it competes internationally.

In 1975 the NOVA University of Lisbon launched the first degree in Informatics Engineering in Portugal, at a time when the world was beginning the explosion of innovation and knowledge that launched the computer as science, engineering and technology at society service.

In 2015, we continue to innovate with the recent update of the educative offer on the 4th and 5th academic year of the MSc in Informatics Engineering, covering in a flexible and unique way emerging areas as the computing cloud and web, interaction and games, data analysis or the safety and quality of software systems, among others.

The education we provide is recognized for its quality and constant update by national and international employers, aligned with the cutting-edge research and constant and new society challenges.

The employability of our informatics engineers is greater than 99%. Currently, more than 900 students from all country, including Erasmus, attend our courses.

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