For the first time the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc) will have a Portuguese as its President. Professor Rodrigo Martins has just been elected for a term of four years, meaning this election the "international recognition of the quality of the Portuguese scientific community", according to Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation.
Among the priorities for this mandate, Professor Rodrigo Martins emphasizes the need for greater openness to society by holding debates and direct advice to scientific institutions, the creation of a EURASC section of researchers from the age of 40 to 45, as way of counteracting the generally aging trend in academies and the promotion of EURASC as an entity for scientific literacy in Europe by sharing its motivations and networking with other national academies.
The European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) is a fully independent international association of researchers which recognizes and elects the best European scientists with the aim of strengthening European scientific cooperation and using the experience of its members in advising other European bodies in improving the technological research and social development.