

Ana Alves Pereira elected president of the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists, Information and Documentation Professionals



Ana Alves Pereira, Coordinator of the Documentation and Culture Division at NOVA School of Science and Technology, was elected President of the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists, Information and Documentation Professionals - BAD, on December 12th.

“Building Together” is the motto for the 2021-2023 triennium that seeks to express the various sensitivities, visions and emerging trends in the area.

Founded in 1973, the Association intends to advance the professional and scientific area of Information and Documentation, actively contributing to the promotion of the social, educational and cultural well-being of the population; defend the right to information, reaffirming its value for constructing a more equitable, inclusive, democratic and transparent society; reflect and take a position on scientific, technical and administrative issues related to professionals, Information and Documentation Services.