

More than 135 high school students came to explore Chemistry at FCT NOVA


The Department of Chemistry (DQ) of the NOVA School of Science and Technology welcomed, last week, more than 135 students from different secondary schools and school years that came to be scientists for a day in a real university laboratory.

There were 28 students from the 10th grade, 24 students from the 11th grade and 85 students from the 12th grade that came to our laboratories and had the opportunity to do experimental activities such as "Distillation", "Synthesis of Polymers", "Synthesis of Aspirin and monitoring by TLC" and "Photochemistry", included in the curricula of Physico-chemistry of 10th and 11th years and Chemistry of 12th year.

Throughout the year 2023, DQ FCT NOVA will host 1350 students in these visits, promoted within the framework of the protocols that the DQ has made over the years with the neighbouring secondary schools, carrying out experimental work related to the curricula of the different years of Chemistry.

These initiatives of the DQ and the Department of Conservation and Restoration, together with Vem Ver (Come and See) program, a program of FCT NOVA, allow students and schools interested, the opportunity to contact with FCT NOVA, get to know the Campus, perform experimental activities in the Departments and clarify doubts regarding the study areas of FCT NOVA.

More about Vem Ver program here.