

Arquivo de notícias de October de 2012

Contribute by calling 760 20 70 30 and help the needy students of FCT/UNL to continue their courses.


Contest for 2 MsC scholarships (BM) from Nov/2012 until Fev/201 as part of the collaboration between DI and Novabase in the QREN project - GeoInsight Analytics Platform. The scholarships are intended for students of 2nd year of MEI FCT / UNL, with special interest and training in the areas of SAD, SOLAP and GIS.


The members representing Portugal in the COST ACTION FA0905,international network for research of the European Research Area,which anticipates the activities of the EU Framework Programmes, promote the 3rd International Meeting of Representatives of 33 countries,on 24-25 October in FCT - UNL,to consolidate the development on an industrial and transnational scale the biofortification of staple food.


As part of a collaboration with the CEFITEC's group of Prof. Orlando Teodoro, Mauro Taborelli and Pedro Costa Pinto will visit the FCT for discussion of work in progress in October 23 and 24 . 


ARSA willtake place on December 3-7.

The paper submission deadline is November 9th.


Centro de Arte Moderna | Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

24 de Outubro | 14:00 | Auditório da Biblioteca

Visita guiada por: Leonor Nazaré (Curadoria e Gestora da Colecção )



by Atelier Helena Abrantes

Monday to Friday | 09:00 to 20:00

Multipurpose Room Library FCT / UNL



anTUNiA - Tuna of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon, increased its already long list of awards in the XII Atlantic Tunas Festival, which took place on october 13, in Madeira, winning in the categories of Best Serenade, Best Tambourine, Best Soloist, Best Instrumental and Best Tuna!


The First International Conference on Imaging Mass Spectrometry will be held in September 2013 in Caparica.


The lectures cicle "Mathematics on FCT" will restart in October.

Speaker: Jorge Orestes Cerdeira

 Date: Wednesday, October, 17, 14h to 15h, Room 2A, VII

 Títle: "Combinatoric Optimization on biodiversity conservation"


Cineclube 2012 | Cinema Cycle 9 months | 9 films

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Jim Sharman (1975)

16 October | 17:00

Library Auditorium FCT / UNL | Free Admission


Estreia no dia 13 de outubro o novo programa na SIC NOTÍCIAS promovido pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, com apresentação de Rogério Martins, Matemático e Professor da FCT/UNL.
