

Arquivo de notícias de October de 2014

According to a new study published in the journal Nature by an international research team led by Nuno Carvalho (MPI-BGC, FCT UNL) and Markus Reichstein (MPI-BGC), the global average residence time of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems is 23 years, and the rainfall is as or more important than the temperature for their spatial variability.


The call for 7 postdoctoral Marie Curie fellowships in the framework of the PISCOPIA Programme, funded by the University of Padova and the European Commission, is now open. The closing date for the submission of the proposals is 21st November 2014 at 13:00 CET.


Dr Alan Phillips, researcher at CREM, has been appointed as a member of the International Advisory Panel of Experts of the Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences.
