

FCT NOVA Department of Conservation and Restoration role at the film “Amadeo de Souza Cardoso: The Last Secret of Modern Art”


FCT NOVA Department of Conservation and Restoration role at the film “Amadeo de

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon presents the next Wednesday, 13th April, at 06.30 pm, the premiere of the movie "Amadeo de Souza Cardoso Amadeo: The last secret of modern art", directed by Christophe Fonseca, an international co-production within the exhibition the Grand Palais will dedicated to the artist from the 20th of April. Free entry.

Two narratives overlap in this film: the first, chronologically, follows the life of Amadeo, covering the family house, the emblematic places and spaces shared with other artists.

The second follows the research team directed by Helena de Freitas, curator of the exhibition at the Grand Palais and scientific consultant of this film, and documents of the made search for the artist's personal files, noting, for example, the thrill of discovery of an unpublished work, or the expert opinions at the University NOVA of Lisbon brings a new light on the work of Amadeo.