

NOVA School of Science and Technology partners with Outsystems in innovation acceleration projects


The NOVA School of Science and Technology, through NOVA LINCS, is one of the entities that will work on the DEV4ALL and GOLEM research and development projects, launched by OutSystems on February 11th.

The projects, financed by the Programme Portugal 2020 and the Carnegie Mellon Portugal program at 5.1 million euros, want to simplify and automate the development of applications.

DEV4ALL aims to build a society of programmers and brings together a set of initiatives to make the development of 'low-code' technology even easier, with the purpose to unifying the web and mobile programming models, creating languages ​​easier to use, promote collaborative development in 'low-code', create smart applications without writing code, use Artificial Intelligence to support its own development and facilitate the learning of 'low-code' technology . GOLEM's main objectives are to automate programming and revolutionize the application development experience.

The University of Minho, INESC-ID and INESC-TEC are also partners.



"Projetos da OutSystems para acelerar inovação recebem co-financiamento do governo" (DN Inside)

"Outsystems, Governo e Carnegie Mellon financiam projetos de inovação com 5,1 milhões de euros" (Jornal Económico)

"OutSystems lança projetos com Governo e universidades. Investimento vale 5,1 milhões" (ECO)

"OutSystems Launches Research Projects with Carnegie Mellon and Several Universities Aimed at Revolutionizing App Development" (Business Wire)

"OutSystems lança projetos avaliados em 5,1 milhões de euros cofinanciados pelo Governo" (Jornal de Negócios)