NOVA University Lisbon, with MARE - Centre for Marine and Environmental Sciences (NOVA hub) as a supporting research centre, will ensure the scientific and technical coordination of the Centre for the Sustainability of the Sea and Coastal Zones, whose area of incidence are the coastal zone of the municipalities of Torres Vedras and Lourinhã.
The rehabilitation work of the former Porto Novo Fiscal Guard facilities, which will house the , began after the signing ceremony of the consignment document for the execution of the respective contract, held on February 1st, 2022.
NOVA was represented by Graça Martinho (professor at NOVA School of Science Technology and coordinator of MARE – NOVA hub), who stressed in her speech the importance of the mission of bringing knowledge outside the walls of educational institutions. Words in line with the speech of José Carlos Ferreira, (FCT NOVA professor and MARE representative - NOVA hub) - who is the coordinator of the scientific programme of the Centre - and mentioned that the dissemination of knowledge in the community will precisely be the differentiator of the Centre for the Sustainability of the Sea and Coastal Zones, which aims to become an international case study.
The activity of this Centre will be based on four axes: to train students with the most recent fundamentals and concepts and the most innovative strategies, techniques and methods of oceanic and coastal literature; to provide research in the fields of the sea and coastal areas by hosting Master's and PhD students; to host educational actions and workshops, awareness-raising and civic and ecological education programmes in the thematic areas of conservation of biodiversity and coastal ecosystems, as well as maritime heritage and culture; and share knowledge regarding the valorisation and conservation of coastal resources as well as the natural and cultural heritage of the coast of the Municipality.