

2nd edition of the APDC and CEE “Best Thesis Award” with applications open until April 11


Until April 11, master's students in the areas of information technologies, telecommunications and media can compete for the 2nd edition of the "Best Thesis Award", promoted by APDC (Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications), with the support of CEE - Consortium of Engineering Schools.

The prize, worth €1,500, aims to reinforce support for higher education of qualified human resources in ICT and Media, as well as to give broader relevance to research and innovation in these fundamental areas of intervention.

The submission of applications for the Best Thesis Award is reserved for students who have completed one of the selected Master's degrees, in one of the CEE Schools, in the academic year 2020/2021. In the case of NOVA School of Science and Technology, the eligible Masters are:

  • Integrated Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Integrated Master in Computer Engineering
  • Master in Big Dat Analysis and Engineering

Winners will be announced at the 31st "Digital Business Congress", scheduled for May 11-12.

The CEE includes, in addition to NOVA School of Science and Technology, IST, FEUP, FCTUC, EEUM and UA.

More information here.