

Scientific diplomacy in debate on March 22 and 23


The third conference of the H2020 InsSciDE project, of which NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA is a partner, takes place between the 22nd and 25th of March and will be dedicated to the theme “Scientific Diplomacy, Diversity and the Global South”.

The Lisbon InsSciDE Open Conference, which has the collaboration of the CIUHCT and the Department of Applied Social Sciences of FCT NOVA, will host two days open to the general public and with online access. The 22nd of March will be dedicated to the role of science academies as actors in scientific diplomacy, this sessions will be held at the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. On the 23rd, the Rectory of NOVA will host the sessions dedicated to the debate of the concept of scientific diplomacy, the call to find collaboration strategies within Europe, but also in Europe Global South.

InsSciDE is a Horizon 2020 funded project ​centered on the development of a shared science diplomacy across Europe through international and interdisciplinary research. The project aims to create an inclusive and innovative dialogue, highlighting the contribution of Science Academies and networks of Science Diplomats to addressing global challenges. InsSciDE explores the history of science diplomacy, offers a framework for understanding, and delivers stakeholder-supported strategy and policy recommendations.

To attend the conference, please registrater at