

FCT NOVA welcomes the new exchange students


The welcome session for the international students who will start their period at NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA in the 2nd semester, under mobility programs and cooperation protocols, took place this Friday. The event started with a warm musical moment performed by anTUNiA.

“At FCT NOVA you will find na acessible faculty always ready to help, with a positive and relaxed atmosphere, and we are certain that you will find a welcoming face wherever you go. In addition to acedemic learning, you will certainly live experiences and make friends that will last a lifetme", said Carla Quintão, sub-director of the Pedagogical Council and Institutional Erasmus Coordinator, during the session that also included the interventions of the vice-president of the Students Union, Débora Torres and the Dean of FCT Nova, José Júlio Alferes.

Among the new students is Maria Martinez, who came from Italy to study in the Undergraduate Programme in Civil Engineering "because I wanted to know more about Europe, to know more about the Mediterranean culture, which is also my culture, and to learn new subjects, new people, and FCT NOVA seems a very cool Faculty and very open to us".

Louis Chatard came from France to study in the Undergraduate Programme in Computer Engineering: "I chose FCT NOVA to do Erasmus because one of my friends studied here last year and told me it was a great place to study, I hope to discover a new country and new places that I would not discover without this Erasmus experience".

With these new students, the school has a total of 112 international students attending our courses this semester.

Photo Galery.