

Queima das Fitas: Caparica Campus filled up to celebrate the 2024 Finalists


The Caparica Campus hosted NOVA FCT's Queima das Fitas 2024 ceremony on 19 May in an atmosphere of great festivity and academic spirit. Finalists, family and friends came together to celebrate this important academic milestone.

On the lawn of the NOVA FCT library, a group of students from the Integrated Master's in Physics Engineering glue the last ribbons on their folders. Among them, Ana Rita, who assures us: ‘we're going to keep our friendships’. The uncertainties don't scare these young people, who agree with their colleague Diogo Cardoso, for whom ‘the important thing is to trust that we're doing the best we can and that everything will be fine’.

For some students, the next steps continue to be at NOVA FCT, as is the case with Biomedical Engineering finalists Leonor Frazão and Joana Marques, who have decided to continue with a new cycle of studies at the Faculty. The students say that ‘today is a day to celebrate with family and friends, and emotions are running high’.

Opening the event, organised by the Faculty's Student Association (AEFCT), José Júlio Alferes, Dean of NOVA FCT, began by highlighting ‘the duty we all have to honour the values of Freedom and Democracy, values without which the possibility of learning and sharing knowledge could be compromised’. Alluding to the emotions experienced on this special day, the Principal emphasised that ‘on a day like today, it's normal to feel anxious, unsure of what's next. But rest assured that today you are better equipped to face the challenges of the future and, knowing that knowledge is something you build, you have an obligation to always seek to know more.’ José Júlio Alferes also urged all the students to face up to their responsibility towards society, ‘so that those who have studied and learnt here can contribute to a better world’. In a speech very close to the academic community, he left an invitation to all the students: ‘This will always be your home. Whenever you want to debate new scientific approaches, research hypotheses, participate in the construction of academic knowledge, we are here to welcome you with open arms.’

Margarida Marques, president of AEFCT, congratulated all the students and emphasised the importance of ‘celebrating achievements. In difficulties, in good times, at the end of term; it's your family, friends, colleagues and teachers who encourage you. Today is your day, share it with those who have been by your side and celebrate this moment today.’

The president of the AEFCT ended her speech by thanking the board of directors and the various departments involved for their support in preparing the ceremony that celebrates ‘the students and this great institution, which is also an extended family’.

The ceremony was attended by the Dean Board, Department Chairs and Professors who came to celebrate with their students. NOVA FCT's TunaMaria and anTUNiA contributed to the festivities with speeches that entertained the large audience.