

Arquivo de notícias de January de 2014

Program of the celebration of the International Year of Crystallography in the Campus of Caparica


Research Schoolarship for Graduate Student
Scientific Domain: Mathematics


Professors Fernando José Cebola Lidon, Fernando Henrique da Silva Reboredo and  Maria Fernanda Guedes Pessoa from the Department of Earth Sciences, FCT / UNL, were nominated to represent Portugal in the Management Commitee of THE COST ACTIONS TD1304 and FA 1304.


Three individual calls for application are already open and running, each of them describing application modalities, examination processes and applicable calendars:

- Postdoctoral fellowship program;

- Junior Chairs;

- Visiting professors


It will be hosted by Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Belgium from 3 to 4 April 2014.


European Innovation Academy (EIA) is three-week summer program for highly motivated students worldwide (bachelor, master and doctoral level).

EIA hosts all together 500 students from 40 different countries.


International faculty are invited to submit course proposals for the University of A Coruña's International Summer School ( that will be held in A Coruña from 4 to 22 August 2014.


The Summer School on Intellectual Property addresses graduate and postgraduate students from any field of study. It will take place from July 21 to August 1, 2014. The program is conducted in English.


On 30th January 2014, at 1 pm, a session will take place on room 1A VII, clarifying the goals of the recently formed SIAM Student Chapter at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the first in Portugal.


Rodrigo Pestana Rica is the new "Head of International Business" of the Multipessoal  Group, being responsible for managing the company's operations in Angola and Spain.


Newly discovered fungus genus was named Alanphillipsia in recognition of Dr Alan Phillips, a researcher in the Department of Life Sciences.


Project LXConventos public presentation will take place on January 16h, at CIUL, Lisbon.
