

Arquivo de notícias de January de 2014

Post-doc scholarship now open-Project “New frontier in high-temperature solar furnace for application to renewable Mg recovery from MgO"


Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship (BI, Master) within the R&D Project Printable Organic-Inorganic Transparent Semiconductor Devices-POINTS (Ref: FP7-NMP-2010-SMALL-4 Nº 263042), in Laboratório Associado I3N Pólo CENIMAT, FCT/UNL, financed by the European Community.


Since 2001, the Clara Immerwahr Prize is released annually by Unicat (Cluster of Excellence Unicat, Berlin) for the promotion of young women in science who have obtained important results in the area of catalysis. 


The international team formed by Indian, French and the Portuguese investigator José Paulo Santos, CFA-FCT, has for the first time ever obtained the energy of ionic states considered until now non-existing. The results were published in Physical Review Letters, a prestigious top-ranked journal.
