Students enrolled at NOVA FCT.
Final-year students who apply for an Erasmus+ Traineeship for Recent Graduates must complete their traineeship within one year of obtaining their degree. For example, if the student graduates in September 2022, the traineeship must be completed by September 2023.
Anyone who is already a graduate cannot apply.
Students can participate in mobility periods (Studies + Traineeships) up to a maximum of 12 months per study cycle, regardless of the number and type of mobility activities. Participation with a EU zero-grant is also considered for the calculation of this maximum length.
Any previous experience under Erasmus, in any of its faculties, is to be added for the total of 12 months for each study cycle.
Doctoral students, who have a grant from any other organisation, should confirm with such organisation, if their grants are compatible. The Erasmus grant is financed by European funds.
For the SMT mobility it is not required to establish interinstitutional agreements between UNL and the receiving institution (IA), once they will be legally bound by the Learning Agreement for Traineeships (Traineeship Plan).
The Erasmus traineeship can be part of the curricular plan of the student (curricular traineeship) or it can be an extra-curricular traineeship.
For both situations NOVA FCT guarantees the formal recognition of the traineeship period abroad, provided that the mobility had the previous approval of the Erasmus Coordinator of the course and of the tutor; that the trainee has fulfilled the work plan initially established and that, at the end of the traineeship period, the student submitted the final approval of the traineeship at the DMIE. Subsequently, this evaluation will be forwarded to the Erasmus Coordinator and the student's supervisor.
The traineeship period will be recognised according to the new NOVA FCT Regulation for the Creditation of Competences, Training and Professional Experience available at:
The internship period will be recognized only in the Diploma Supplement.
Final-year students, who carry out a traineeship for recent graduates, are to require the Europass Mobility to be issued.