

Research Scholarship


Requirements of admission: Master in Biomedical Engineering, Physics or related areas. Average course equal or higher than 14 values. It will be given preference to the candidates that demonstrate to have formation and experience with the areas of instrumentation, signal processing and its applications.

Work plan: Laboratory experimentation with electronic acquisition, processing, signal transmission and multimedia systems integration and intelligent interfaces; integration of embedded sensors and systems in substrates; Preparation of technical and scientific documentation.

Applicable legislation and regulation: Law nr 40/2004 of August 18 (Scientific Research Scholar Statute); Regulation of advanced formation and qualification of Human Resources 2011.

Local of work: The work will be developed at the Physics department of the Faculty of Science and Technology from the Nova University from Lisbon, under the supervision of Dr. Hugo Gamboa.

Scholarship duration: The scholarship will have the duration of 11 months, foreseen to begin in August 2013.

Subsidy value and monthly maintenance: The scholarship amount corresponds to 980 €, according to the scholarship values attributed directly by FCT, I.P in the country (

Selection methods: The selection methods will include:

Candidates Curriculum Vitae | 40%

2º cycle formation and classification | 40%

Knowledge in instrumentation and signal processing | 10%

Motivation letter | 10%

Selectionjury: PresidentedoJúri:Prof.DoutorHugoGamboa;VogaisEfectivos:Prof.DoutorAdelaideJesus,Prof.DoutorCarlaQuintão;Vogaissuplentes:Prof.DoutorValentinaVassilenko.

Results notification: The final results will be published through an ordered list by final note that will be posted in a visible and public place at the Physics department, being the chosen candidate notified by email.

Candidacy term and applications form: The competition will be open over the period of 30-06-2013 and 30-07-2013.

Applications must be formalized, obligatorily through the letter dispatch with the following documents: motivation letter, curriculum vitae, qualifications certificate and other documents considered relevant.

Applications must be delivered, personally, during the period 9h a.m – 4h p.m to the following address, or by email to 

                Professor Doutor Hugo Gamboa

Departamento de Física

Edifício 1

Campus da Caparica

2829-516 Caparica
