

Civil Engineering Department students win prize for best thesis


Civil Engineering Department students win prize for best thesis in Italy

The students Massimo Lapi, Daniele Martini and Emilio Zagli, who, in the framework of the ERASMUS Program, carried out work leading to their "Tesi di Laurea - Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria", in the Civil Engineering Department of FCT NOVA (DEC/FCT NOVA) discussed at the "Università degli Studi di Firenze", won the "Ing. Brunelli Sarno "sponsored by the Italian Association of Precast Concrete for the best thesis (" Tesi di Laurea ").

The thesis entitled "Punching of Fiat Slabs - Strengthening Techniques and Design Approaches" was directed by Professors António Pinho Ramos (DEC / FCT NOVA), Maurizio Orlando and Paolo Spinelli (DICA / SDI (UNIFI).