

Ciência Viva: Computer science internship helps 9th grade students to develop programs to control small robots


NOVA LINCS and the Department of Computer Science of NOVA School of Science and Technology offered an internship program for 9th grade students about basics of Informatics and Computer Science, supported by the "Ciência Viva no Laboratório" program.

Ten young students had attended the internship program, getting in touch for the first time  with several computational areas, such as  challenging programming tasks, involving basic principles of artificial intelligence, machine learning and ciberphysical systems.

During the week the students had built programs to control small robots and developed a game that incorporates concepts of the internet of things and artificial intelligence.

This internship had the participation of professors Miguel Goulão (Coordinator), Carmen Morgado (Co-coordinator), João Leite, Matthias Knorr, Pedro Medeiros and Vitor Duarte, students Ana Ribeiro, Carolina Lopes, Dina Borrego, James FurtadoJoão Antão, Mariana Bonito, and non-teaching staff Joana DâmasoGracinda CaetanoAnabela DuarteCláudio Costa and Tarik Ali.

The program Ciência Viva no Laboratório – Ocupação Científica de Jovens nas Férias, promoted by Ciência Viva – National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture, aims to bring the youngest students closer to the reality of scientific and technological research in several areas of knowledge.

FCT NOVA has been present in Ciência Viva programmes since 1997, promoting the access to science to the youngest and opening its laboratories to high school students creating space to fevelop the interest and love with science and engineering. This year we had welcomed 126 students in 30 activities.