

Partnership between FCT NOVA and Nestlé promotes training and research for sustainability


The NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA) established a partnership with Nestlé for cooperation in research and innovation in sustainability through the integration of students into research projects taking place in a corporate environment.

This alliance sets in under the Nestlé Bio Building project, a world-first pioneering initiative at Nestlé, which materialized in the installation, in 2021, at the company's headquarters in Portugal, of a microalgae bioreactor to improve indoor air quality through carbon fixation and oxygen production. This technology has the capacity to absorb around 7.3 kg of carbon dioxide and produce nearly 5.5 kg of oxygen per year, making it possible to generate 30 kg of biomass.

As a result of this partnership, two MSc dissertations are already underway. In one of them, on the topic "Microalgae biotechnology for increasing energy efficiency in buildings: case study of the algae bioreactor of the Nestlé Portugal head office building", a student of the Integrated Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering is closely monitoring the operation of this bioreactor, examining how the sustainability indexes of the building are being reinforced by the presence of these microalgae. In the second project, the aim is to investigate the possibility of developing packaging materials from the biomass produced by this bioreactor. This last dissertation has as its theme "Edible films/coatings for the application in chicken hamburgers", from the Master in Food Technology and Safety.

"Bringing together scientific knowledge and the challenges of companies is fundamental for both parties. This partnership will allow the master's students to find at Nestlé the proper environment and challenges to develop their dissertations, at the same time that it will enable Nestlé to acquire new knowledge", explains Júlia Seixas, professor and researcher of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering of FCT NOVA.

These partnerships with industry reflect the School's mission to learn by doing, promoting education more focused on the needs of society and creating space for a more modern and impactful academy.


Parceria entre Nestlé e Universidade NOVA é alargada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Nestlé

Parceria entre Nestlé e Universidade NOVA foi alargada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Green Savers

Nestlé e Universidade Nova estudam benefícios de biorreator de microalgas, Away

Parceria entre NESTLÉ e Universidade NOVA é alargada à Faculdade De Ciências E Tecnologia, Ambiente Magazine

Parceria entre a Nestlé e Universidade Nova é alargada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, iAlimentar

Nestlé em cooperação com Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da NOVA para investigação em sustentabilidade, Notícias da Floresta

Nestlé e Universidade Nova lançam cooperação em investigação para a sustentabilidade, Weeletric