

NOVA FCT researchers will lead Madeira's inaugural Digital Transformation Week in Funchal from June 20 to 28, 2024


Researchers from NOVA FCT will be promoting Madeira's first Digital Transformation Week in Funchal between 20 and 28 June 2024.

The event will delve into diverse digital transformation domains, spanning Health, Manufacturing, Maritime, Smart Cities, and Energy, unlocking the potential of Digital Transformation. The technical discussions encompass Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Cybersecurity, while the social aspect includes Digital Literacy, Skills, and Social Inclusion.

The gathering will unite academic experts from prominent international research institutes and universities, industry professionals from both large companies and SMEs, along with representatives from the European Commission and government bodies. This convergence of academia, policymakers, and industry stakeholders presents a unique opportunity to showcase scientific work, companies, projects, solutions, and initiatives.

Organized by the Interoperability and Systems Research Group (GRIS - UNINOVA) in collaboration with the Energy Efficiency Group (EEG - UNINOVA), Madeira Digital Transformation Week (MDTWeek) will incorporate three significant events:


30th ICE IEEE/ITMC Conference (June 24-28): An International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovation, exploring systems engineering as a socio-technical task, focusing on product and service design, and business innovation processes. ICE 2024, renowned for original ideas and projects, invites contributions to the debate on engineering solutions for global digital transformation challenges.

2nd Digital Transformation Summit (June 24-28): Addressing the EU's digital strategy, the Summit features discussions among figures from the European Commission, Government, Academia, and Industry. It sets the stage for a human-centered vision in a digital society, emphasizing the discussion of needs, expectations, developments, and innovative solutions to empower citizens and businesses digitally while ensuring fair conditions and climate neutrality.

NITIM Graduate School (June 20-22): An international graduate school focused on Networks, Information Technology, and Innovation Management. The NITIM network comprises PhD students, alumni, professors, and industry partners from over 20 nationalities, meeting biannually to support young academics and foster connections among members.


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