The nuclear waste management policy


Vai realizar-se no próximo dia 13 de Outubro um Workshop intitulado The nuclear waste management policy: lessons from the German debate" com a presença do Doutor Peter Hocke (KIT). Este evento terá lugar na sala Ágora, na Biblioteca do campus FCT, a partir das 15h30m às 19h.
O resumo curricular do Dr. Hocke é o seguinte:
Peter Hocke-Bergler - Dr. phil. in sociology, since 2001 senior fellow at the Karlsruhe Research Centre, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS). Diploma in political sciences (Free University Berlin), studied political sciences, philosophy und sociology at the University Regensburg and the Free University Berlin. Dissertation on topics of public policy and communication research. Junior fellow at the Social Science Research Center Berlin. Research area: political and societal conflicts about technologies, mass media and collective action of experts (in cases like nuclear waste management or advanced materials).
Selected publications
Peter Hocke / Ortwin Renn (2009a / forthcoming): Concerned Public and the Paralysis of Decision-Making. Nuclear Waste Management Policy in Germany. Journal of Risk Research“ / special issue 2009: "Contextualising Nuclear Waste Management", Urban Sundberg (ed.) (accepted) / ITAS preprint
Armin Grunwald / Peter Hocke (2009b / forthcoming): The Risk Debate on Nano-particles: Contribution to a Normalisation of the Science/society Relationship? In: M. Kaiser / S. Maasen et al., Social Shaping of Nanotechnologies, Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, Berlin: Springer (accepted)