Seminário de Estatística - Centro de Matemática e Aplicações FCT/UNL


SEMINÁRIO DE ESTATÍSTICA - Centro de Matemática e Aplicações FCT/UNL

"Design of Comparative Experiments", pela Prof. Rosemary A. Bailey (Queen Mary, University of London)

14 de Abril | 14H30 | Sala de Seminários, Edifício VII

"Design of Comparative Experiments"
The seminar is an introduction to my book on "Design of Comparative Experiments".  I shall not assume much previous knowledge. 
The book begins with basic questions like `what is an experimental unit?' and `what is a treatment?'. It continues with replication, randomization, and analysis of data from the simplest experiments, before moving on to blocks, factorial treatments and Latin squares.
Split-plot designs are covered in detail before a quite general approach covering all orthogonal designs. I will briefly mention the more advanced topics of incomplete-block designs and fractional factorial designs. Like the book, the talk will be full of real examples.