

Arquivo de notícias de November de 2015

Professor Liang Dawei honored by the journal "Solar Energy Materials and Solar C

Professor Liang Dawei from the Physics Department was honored by the prestigious journal "Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells", with a 5.34 impact factor.

25% of new students in MIEI, FCT NOVA, are young women

In comparison with previous years, the proportion of young women new students in MIEI has more than doubled, this school year.

BIOSCOPE Research Team Members awards

Elisabete Oliveira, PhD, from the BIOSCOPE Research Team, C4O Group at the UCIBIO@REQUIMTE FCT-UNL Having been chosen by the Young Researcher Award Selection Committee, for her outstanding accomplishments in her career was awarded with “The Young Research Award 2015 at the I International Caparica Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules.

School Awards Ceremony

Students which concluded their Degrees with the highest grades in the academic year 2013|14. 


FCT NOVA Integrated Master in Micro and Nanotechnologies students awarded by the

FCT NOVA Integrated Master in Micro and Nanotechnologies Engineering students, Ana Correia and Paul Grey were awarded by the Portuguese Materials Society (SPM).

FCT NOVA Electrical Engineering student creates robotic hand prosthesis and EMG

António Miguel Lopes Bernardino, Electrical and Computer Engineering student, created robotic hand prosthesis and a high versatility and low cost EMG system to contribute to the patients ‘rehabilitation.
