

CENIMAT | I3N wins two awards at E-MRS Spring 2016


CENIMAT | I3N wins two awards at E-MRS Spring 2016

E. Carlos, researcher at CENIMAT / I3N, won the first and second prizes for the best poster category in two symposia of the E-MRS Spring 2016, which took place in Lille (France).

1st Prize: FUV-assisted low temperature AlOx solution based dielectric for oxide TFTs - Symposium N  (see poster)

2nd Prize: Effect of chemical precursors in combustion processing of solution based AlOx dielectric TFTs for Gizo - AA Symposium  (see poster)

Both works meet the research line of CENIMAT’s research group MEON and shows the possibility to produce dielectric materials for use in microelectronics by solution techniques at low temperatures compatible with polymeric substrates.