

Professor Paula Sobral at the Christmas Conference "Ciência Viva" 2017


Professor Paula Sobral at the Christmas Conference "Ciência Viva" 2017

This year's edition of the "Ciência Viva" Christmas Conference will be given by Professor Paula Sobral of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering and Researcher at MARE - Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences on 20 December at 7:00 p.m. at the D. Maria II National Theater in Lisbon. The topic to address is "Microplastics? Not even for Christmas ornaments! "

In fact, plastics pose a threat to the environment and are now recognized as a global problem. Decades of careless use of these materials have led to large concentrations in the ocean which, over time, the action of the sun and the waves, becomes brittle and gives rise to small fragments which we call microplastics. To these are added the particles used as raw material in the industry, the microspheres integrated into personal care products and the synthetic fibers of clothing.

This is a problem is complex but there are initiatives for the reduction of microplastics and we can all do our part as consumers and as citizens. Each of us can daily make small gestures that count toward global change, such as reducing the use of plastic, reusing or recycling used containers, and refusing cosmetic and hygiene products with microplastics.

To know more about this current topic book your place on this trip.