One Research Fellowship for a PhD holder is opened at under the scope of the KET4F-Gas “Reduction of the Environmental Impact of Fluorinated Gases in the Sudoe space using Key Enabling Technologies” project, (with the internal reference “LAQV/BPD/020/2018”), which is funded by the Interreg Sudoe V-B Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
- Scientific area: Chemical Engineering or related areas.
- Admission Requirements: This research fellowship is addressed to researchers with PhD degree in Chemical Engineering / Gases Absorption and / or Gases Absorption / Processes Simulation (ASPEN and gPROMS) / Matlab Programming / Mathematical Modelling and Equilibrium Thermodynamic / Ionic Liquids / Design and Optimization of Pilot Installations.
- Preferential admission requirements: Motivation for scientific research; good capacity for work; immediate availability; communication and leadership skills (ability to communicate in Portuguese and English, to delegate roles and to deal with unexpected circumstances).
- Work Plan: The project aims to develop and implement Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), by using the alternative solvents that are designed based on the principles of green chemistry, benign and more efficient, to recover fluorinated gases used in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, thereby reducing their emissions.
- Rules and Regulations: Law Nr. 40/2004, of 18th August altered and republish by Decree-Law nº 202/2012 of August 27th (Scientific Research Fellow Statute) and altered by the Decree-Law nº233/2012 of October 29th and by the Law nº12/2013 of January 29th. Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources, I.P in force (http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/docs/RegulamentoBolsasFCT2015.pdf).
- Working location and supervisor: The work is to be carried out at the REQUIMTE Research Unit at the Chemistry Department, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCT-NOVA), under the scientific supervision of Ana B. Pereiro (PhD) and João M. M. Araújo (PhD).
- Fellowship duration: The fellowship is for 06 months and is due to start on October 2018, with the possibility of renewal up to the end of the project.
- Monthly maintenance allowance: The monthly maintenance allowance is €1.495, according to the table of values for the grants awarded directly by FCT in Portugal (http:// www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores), and its payment shall be made monthly by bank transfer. If the fellowship holder wishes to apply to the voluntary social security, the contributions will be covered by the project.
- Selection methodology: Curriculum evaluation (40%), and the previous experience in the requested research area (60%). If appropriate, the candidates will be called for an interview and the final grade will be obtained by 50% for curriculum evaluation, and 50% for the interview classification.
- Jury members:
President of the Jury: Ana B. Pereiro (PhD);
Effective jury members: João M. Araújo (PhD) and Professor José Paulo B. Mota; Substitute jury members: Professor Luís P. N. Rebelo; José M. S. S. Esperança (PhD).
- Notification of Results: The results will be publicized through the display of ranking list in a public, visible place at the Chemistry Department. The selected candidate will be informed of the final results via e-mail.
- Application Period: From 01 August to 16 September 2018.
Application procedure: Candidates should send a single PDF file containing motivation letter, Curriculum Vitae, PhD certificate (copy), identification card (copy) and other considered relevant documents.
Applications should be sent to anab@fct.unl.pt , with the subject “Application to “LAQV/BPD/020/2018”.