

Launch of the book “A outra margem da NOVA” ("The other edge of NOVA")


Launch of the book “A outra margem da NOVA” ("The other edge of NOVA")

The book "The other edge of NOVA", edited by NOVA.FCT Editorial, was launched on the 23rd of March in the Auditorium of the Library. It was written as part of the celebrations of the 40th Anniversary of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon,  by Maria Paula Diogo (coordinator), Ana Carneiro, Isabel Amaral, Paula Urze, André Pereira, Ivo Louro and João Machado.

During the book launch session, Maria Paula Diogo, thanked the various supports and testimonies that shaped the work: to the current and former leaders of the Faculty and University, highlighting in particular Professors António Manuel Nunes dos Santos, Adolfo Steiger Garção and Luís Monteiro, all members of the first group of teachers who witnessed the early days of the Olivais Seminary. The presentation of the book, by Professor Maranha das Neves, focused on the chapters, noting that the book was intended to be read by an interested but not necessarily academic audience. He also highlighted the rigor of the narrative and the extension of the bibliography in an exciting reading that necessarily raised a series of other questions about the project of the NOVA University in Lisbon and which challenges the university to write its history.


Prof. Doutora Paula Diogo
launching Session
(Library Auditorium)