

Professor at FCT NOVA coordinates scientific work on environmental assessment indicators in Brazil


Tomás Ramos, Professor and Researcher at the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at FCT NOVA, is the scientific coordinator of the conception and development of environmental and socioeconomic indicators of the Paraopeba River Basin Recovery Plan.

Following the tragedy in January this year of the rupture of the Feijão Mine Dam - Brumadinho, operated by the company Vale SA., a recovery plan is underway. Although no timeframe is set, the plan should be ready to implement within a year, with the first version to be presented in early August.

The professor and researcher of FCT NOVA was between June 9 and 15 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to work with the thematic teams. During this period, the work included field visits to the site, the first phase of the evaluation and validation process of the proposed indicators, development of new indicators for the assessment of the impact of the accident, emergency actions and ongoing projects and implement in the coming years. The plan team involves more than 150 specialist technicians.

During the visit, he also provided a training session for the entire technical team on environmental / sustainability indicators for the Management and Monitoring of Plans, Programs and Projects. Finally, he participated in institutional meetings, involving various actors in the process, including a follow-up meeting of ongoing work with representatives of the Brazilian Public Prosecution Service.