

Ciência 2019:The State of Science and Technology in Portugal in debate


There are only a few days left to the largest annual meeting of Portuguese researchers, which also attracts the presence of businessmen, political decision-makers, students, teachers and the public interested in science.

Between July 8th and 10th, the Lisbon Congress Center receives Ciência 2019 - Science and Technology Summmit in Portugal, which takes place in a year of  several scientific celebrations. The program includes sessions dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Arthur Eddington's expedition to São Tome and Principe, to the 100th anniversary of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), to the 50th anniversary of Man's first landing on the Moon, to the circumnavigation of Fernão de Magalhães, and to the 150 years of the creation of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, with the United Nations and UNESCO declaring 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

This edition also counts on the United Kingdom as invited country, with which Portugal has the oldest international alliance in force.  FCT NOVA will be represented by several of its Research Centers (UCIBIO, CTS, CIUHCT, NOVA Lincs, CEFAGE, UNIDEMI, CENIMAT | I3N).

The event aims to promote the broad debate of the main themes and challenges of the scientific agenda beyond the universe of research, stimulating the participation and interaction between the scientific community, the business sector and the general public.

The initiative promoted by the Foundation for Science and Technology in collaboration with the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture – Ciência Viva, and the Parliamentary Commission of Education and Science has the institutional support of the Portuguese Government through the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education.