"Automation trends in Portugal: implications in productivity and employment" is one of the winning articles of the "The Economic Impact of Digitalisation in Portugal", an initiative promoted by the Office for Strategy and Studies (GEE) of the Ministry of Economy and Sea, in collaboration with Google and the Association for the Promotion and Development of the Information Society (APDSI).
The paper, awarded with 15.000 euros, belongs to the InteliArt team, which includes António Brandão Moniz, professor of the Department of Social and Applied Sciences of NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA), Nuno Boavida, researcher at CICS.NOVA and Marta Candeias, PhD student at FCT NOVA. The work focuses on the future of artificial intelligence in the automotive sector, banking and logistics, and has now been published as a GEE Paper (series of working papers of GEE). In 2020, the project was a winner of the 13th edition of Santander/NOVA Collaborative Research Award.
The presentation of the work and the awarding of the prize occurred during the Conference "Economic Impact of Digitalization in Portugal", which took place on July 4, at the Google Portugal Auditorium, with the presence of the Minister of Economy and Sea.
The conference presentation can be found here.