

FCT NOVA will be in Oeiras promoting Science and Engineering


NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA will participate for the second time in FIC.A - International Science Festival, which will take place between 10 and 16 October at Hub-ACT (Art, Science & Technology), a future incubation centre for creative industries, in Porto Salvo.

For 7 days, the Festival will continue to inspire kids and adults and create new audiences for science, using the arts to communicate exciting science and technology.

FCT NOVA will participate with two exhibition stands, twelve workshops and three lectures that will disseminate to the public the importance of science and engineering in developing a better world.

"(Omni)presence of mathematics in the future of 4.0 industrial revolution", "NOVA Solar Laser", "Biomedica Alive - How do you fill your lungs?", "Proteolytic activity of enzymes present in fruits" and "How the animal world responds to global environmental threats?" are among the activities you can enjoy in this event.

More information here.