

Undergraduate Programme in Conservation-Restoration


The bachelor degree prepares the student to enter the national and international work market in the area of Conservation as well as to access 2nd cycle programmes. The curricular plan and the training pathway follow the accreditation guidelines recommended by the European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education (ENCoRE), offering solid academic training for the exercise of the profession in the areas of Preventive Conservation and Collections Care.
The teaching methodology in the degree in Conservation-Restoration follows both inter and transdisciplinary approaches, which fosters student communication with other areas of knowledge and enriches their training for responsible and supported decision-making in the safeguarding of Cultural Heritage.
The curricular contents and organization aim at the following general objectives
- To provide a solid scientific training (theoretical, ethical and practical) for the student's professional performance in the areas of Preventive Conservation and Collections Care;
- To prepare graduates for integration in the national and/or international labour market in these two areas;
- To provide access to second cycle programmes in the various areas of specialisation (e.g. conservation and restoration, conservation science, collections management, etc).

With a 5-year higher education (bachelor and master), required by the Law of the Cultural Heritage - Law No. 107/2001 of 08 September and by the ENCoRE network, the student of NOVA FCT in Conservation and Restoration is able to fully exercise the profession of conservator-restorer.

Tuition Fees 

Portuguese students: 697 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year



Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Specific exams:

One of following groups:

03 Drawing

12 History of Culture and Arts

16 Mathematics

Minimum grade of the specific(s) exam(s): 95

Minimum grade of the application: 95

Admission formula:

60% of the final grade obtained in  secondary school
40% of the final grade of the specific(s) exam(s)

Grade of the last admitted student 2023/2024 : 148,6

Average grade of admitted students 2023/2024 : 159,6

Course coordinator:

Professor Catarina Villamariz

Accreditation and Registration

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 06/11/2023

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2021

DGES - Registration number R/A-Ef 3087/2011/AL01 on 16/05/2018

About the Department of Conservation and Restoration

The Department of Conservation and Restoration of NOVA School of Science and Technology has the mission of teaching and research in the area of Heritage, promoting its knowledge, conservation and enjoyment.

The teaching staff with interdisciplinary skills and the properly equipped laboratories contribute to the creation of learning and research environments in the different areas of knowledge linked to conservation, considered in its relationship between theory and practice. 

The established network of national and international collaborations and partnerships enables the development of stimulating projects, with recognized merit and also the creation of unique opportunities for internships and professional outings.

DCR believes that sharing the enthusiasm for heritage conservation among teachers and students is its main commitment.

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