Undergraduate Programme in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering


Undergraduate Programme in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering

180 ECTS; 3 anos (6 semestres)


LEMN aims at the formation of a scientific and technological base in the area of Micro and Nanotechnologies with an emphasis on the study of the structure, properties, production, characterization and application of materials and processes to the areas of microelectronics and nanotechnologies.

It is intended that the Degree in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering:

I. Know and know how to use, in the appropriate context, the language and concepts of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Informatics necessary to acquire technical skills.
II. Know and understand the structural, physical and chemical properties of different classes of materials with a view to applications in the areas of electronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies
III. Know, understand and know how to use materials and devices characterization techniques with particular emphasis on micro and nanoscale characterization techniques.
IV. Know and understand the Microelectronics process technologies and the production of Nanomaterials.
V. Know how to communicate effectively in an academic and professional environment.
VI. Know the organizational structure of companies.

The training given in this degree allows the pursuit of studies; mobility between training courses offered at the Faculty of Science and Technology and other Schools and employability in services and technical functions that do not require specific 2nd cycle skills.

Although technical skills are important, in the current context, and even in terms of employability, complementary skills (soft-skills) assume a preponderant role in this training. LEMN, like all courses at NOVA FCT, follows a new pedagogical approach known as “FCT Curricular Profile” (https://www.fct.unl.pt/ensino/perfil-curricular-fct). Essentially, the “FCT Curricular Profile” reinforces the technical-scientific training provided with complementary skills that provide the student with the tools that will influence his school performance and, in the future, his professional performance as a graduate.


Career opportunities

The degree in Micro and Nanotechnologies, in addition to conferring the degree of engineering graduate, provides a solid scientific and technical training that aims to pursue more advanced studies in several areas of Science and Engineering, with emphasis on the Master in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering.

Training in this area was launched by the NOVA SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | NOVA FCT in 2007. Since then, the demand for Micro and Nanotechnology Engineers has increased significantly, as a result of a highly technological training which gives graduates easy integration into the job market.

Área Científica

Materials Engineering
Materials Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Transferable Skills
Any Scientific Area

Plano Curricular

1st Year

1st semester
Mathematical Analysis I
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
Chemistry B
Introduction to Micro and Nanotechnologies

2nd semester
Mathematical Analysis II D
General Organic Chemistry B
Introduction to Probabilities, Statistics and Operations Research
Thermodinamics of Processs
Informaticsfor Science and Engineering

Soft Skills for Science and Technology

2nd Year

1st semester
Mathematical Analysis III D
Characterization Techniques of Materials
Unrestricted Elective A
Instrumentation Techniques

2nd semester
Technical and Computer-Aided Drawing
Electronics I
Physical Properties of Materials
Mechanical Behavior of Nanomaterials
Option C


Grupo de Opção C
Polymeric Materials I
General Biochemistry B
Programming for Data Science and Engineering
Molecular Biology C
Signal Theory
MathemaIics of Finance

3rd Year

1st semester
Semiconductor Materials
Quantum Mechanics
Nanomaterials Technology
Electronics II
Option D

2nd semester
Microelectronics: Processes
Processes and Materials for electronics
Surfaces and Interfaces
Project in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering

Opportunities Program

Grupo de Opção D
Composite Materials
Quality Management
Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Sustainability
Introductory Programming for Science and Engineering
Molecular Genetics B
Cellular and Molecular Toxicology
Logical Systems
Systems Theory

3rd Year – Programa Oportunidades
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
Undergraduate Practice Opportunity Program

Tuition Fees 

Portuguese students: 697 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year

Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:


Specific exams:

07 Physics and Chemistry + 19 Mathematics A

Minimum grade of the specific(s) exam(s): 95

Minimum grade of the application: 95

Admission formula:

60% of the final grade obtained in  secondary school
40% of the final grade of the specific(s) exam(s)

Grade of the last admitted student 2023/2024 : 119,6

Average grade of admitted students 2023/2024 : 146,3

Course coordinator:

Professor Rui Igreja


Accreditation and Registration

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 25/05/2021

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2020

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 175/2021 on 11/06/2021

About the Department of Materials Science

The Department of Materials Science (DCM), NOVA School of Science and Technology, was the first to be created nationally in 1976 at the initiative of its first president, Prof. Leopoldo Guimarães. The initial aim was to create university extension courses in the field of materials leading to the creation of a root degree covering a wide range of scientific areas, including metallurgy, semiconductor materials, polymeric materials and mesomorph, ceramic materials and crystals, crystal chemistry and quality control.

Since then the Department of Materials Science has grown and diversified its activities, mainly due to the efforts of its faculty and staff, embodied in a large number of projects (academic and industrial) funded by National, European and International authorities. This allowed its modern adaptation to new technologies, providing  for such a unique laboratory infrastructure in Portugal, for teaching and research, internationally recognized and that has allowed to form Material Science Engineers of high scientific quality , able to respond to current society's demands.

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