

First event dedicated to career design takes place on 6 March


NOVA FCT, in partnership with Magma Studio, is organising the first Career Strategy and Design Workshop.

The initiative is an experience consisting of several modules and exercises that will help students reflect on their skills and assets, career options and how to establish relationships with professionals and companies. It is complemented by a set of tools and strategies for creating an impactful CV and conducting job interviews effectively and objectively.

The event, which will take place on 6 March between 2.30pm and 5pm in the Ágora Room, will be exclusive to NOVA FCT students attending the NOVA FCT Curriculum Profile.

The partnership with Magma Studio is not a recent one, and over the years it has provided students with opportunities to get in touch with the business world. It is in this context that we have hosted Talent Bootcamp, a career accelerator that brings together companies and students. The last edition was attended by more than 180 representatives from leading national and international companies and more than 200 students. The success of this initiative was reflected in 221 professionals expressing an interest in receiving a CV from a NOVA FCT student. The School will once again host this meeting, open to all interested parties, on 8 and 9 March in the Ágora Room. Registration is now open here.