

Arquivo de notícias de July de 2016

Former students Vitor Antunes and António Monteiro, from the Department of Civil

The former students Vítor Antunes and António Monteiro from Department of Civil Engineering have been awarded the 1st prize and two honourable mentions in the competition Young Masters in Experimentation organized within the 1st Conference on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering, which was held from 4 to 6 June 2016 at IST.

Eight FCT Investigator positions awarded to scientists at the Chemistry Departme

Eight programme-contracts have been awarded to researchers at the Chemistry Department, in the scope of the 2015 FCT Investigator Programme: Alexandre Paiva, Cristina González, Fábio Fernandes, Filipa Marcelo, Hugo Santos, Joana Lia Ferreira, Maria Filomena Freitas e Patrícia Reis.

European Researchers' Night

The European Researchers' Night is an initiative promoted by the European Commission which aims to break down the barriers that separate science of citizens and to demystify the image of the distant and unapproachable scientist.

''Tour of Knowledge ', an initiative of the Secretary of State for Science, Tech

The 'Tour of Knowledge', developed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, starts today, July 27, in Oliveira de Azeméis, in conjunction with the “Volta a Portugal” (Bike Tour of Portugal).

''Quantum Academy'' - Ciência Viva at the Department of Physics of the FCT NOVA

The Physics Department, FCT NOVA, Welcomed another Ciência Viva. The program hosted stages carried out in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Physics and Engineering Physics.

FCT NOVA courses with a higher employment rate than the national average

FCT NOVA courses with a high employment rate than the national average


FCT NOVA wins European Championship University of "League of Legends"

The EUM (University Esports Masters) is the eSports league where several teams representing their universities and national leagues, compete for the title of European champion. 

1st Phase of the National Competition for Access to Higher Education

Until August 10th it will run the first phase of the National Competition for the Access to the higher education.

FCT NOVA student, MIT Portugal, wins prize in the field of Bioengineering

On the 30th of June, in the framework of the conference "MIT Portugal: 10 years engineering a better future" held at the Campus of Gualtar of the University of Minho, a doctoral student at the MIT Portugal Program, Andreia dos Santos, was awarded with the best poster prize in the bioengineering field.

Department of Informatics FCT NOVA - NOVA LINCS Distinguished Lecture 2016

Professor Luca Cardelli, of Oxford University and Microsoft Research, was the speaker of Dintinguished Lecture 2016,  under the theme "Telling Molecules What To Do".

iV2016 - 20th International Conference Information Visualization

The Information Visualization Conference (iV) is an international conference that aims to provide a foundation for integrating the human-centred, technological and strategic aspects of information visualization in order to promote international exchange, cooperation and development. 

5th Edition of the CENIMAT Days

The CENIMAT | I3N, Materials Research Center of FCT NOVA, will organize as usual the CENIMAT | I3N Days, already on their 5th Edition.
