Lourinhã continues to provide new dinosaur finds as reported by the Lourinhã Museum, which is doing its summer excavations in collaboration with the NOVA School of Science and Technology and with the support of Dinoparque da Lourinhã. This year's results were several deposits of crocodile bones, turtles, carnivorous dinosaurs, stegosaurus and a large sauropod dinosaur. Most of the bones are still encased in hard rock, which will require months to be prepared in the laboratory of the Museu da Lourinhã, inviting volunteers who want to help with the laboratory preparation work.
Among the various findings is an almost complete and very well preserved carnivorous dinosaur foot that leaves paleontologists hopeful of being able to say which species and more about the locomotion of these Portuguese dinosaurs. As the study is still lacking and the species is still unknown, but judging by the preservation quality and anatomical characteristics and "it is already certain that the carnivorous dinosaur material is of world importance. This is another opportunity for new ones theses and studies for our master's students in paleontology at NOVA" says Octávio Mateus, researcher at this university.
The most worrisome aspect remain the signs of deposit looting by unauthorized and clearly unqualified people shattering the bones. "It is urgent! We are concerned that there is material of high scientific importance that will end up in private hands" observe the paleontologist.