

Arquivo de notícias de December de 2017

Professor Elvira Fortunato integrates Strategic Council of the National Associat

ANJE - National Association of Young Entrepreneurs, on behalf of the National Direction, currently chaired by Adelino Costa Matos, CEO of ASM Industries (group A. Silva Matos), invited Professor Elvira Fortunato to join her Strategic Superior Council.

Mónica Almeida, DCEA researcher, second Portuguese to participate in the "Fjällr

Mónica Almeida will represent the Mediterranean region at the "Fjällräven Polar" expedition, an expedition of "common people" to the Arctic Circle with 300 km, organized for 20 years by this brand of outdoor equipment, to be held next month April.

NOVA Sport runner-up in the National Badminton University Championship

The participation of NOVA Sport has ended in the National Badminton University Championship by Teams.

Professor Paula Sobral at the Christmas Conference "Ciência Viva" 2017

This year's edition of the "Ciência Viva" Christmas Conference will be given by Professor Paula Sobral of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering and Researcher at MARE - Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences on 20 December at 7:00 p.m. at the D. Maria II National Theater in Lisbon. 

Professor Elvira Fortunato receives "APIGRAF Prestige Award"

On December 5, Professors Elvira Fortunato and Rodrigo Martins were awarded a career prize for pioneering scientific work in the areas of transparent electronics and electronic paper by the ProteoMass Society.

The Best Poster Award was attributed to Emanuel Carlos, PhD Student at CENIMAT
The poster focused in this area entitled “Boosting the Electrical Performances of Solution-Based High-κ Multilayer Dielectrics at Low Temperature and Their Application in Electronic Structures” by Emanuel Carlos, PhD student in CENIMAT was nominated as one of the best posters in the symposium of Tuesday night (November 28th) at the 2017 MRS Fall Meeting.
Professor Elvira Fortunato featured in the scientific journal Chemistry World

Professor Elvira Fortunato was interviewed by the renowned scientific journal Chemistry World of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

1st CIUHCT Distinguished Lecture with newspaper article at “Público”

The CIUHCT's 1st Distinguished Lecture, which took place on November 7th, brought to Lisbon Professor Jurgen Renn, director of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) and renowned expert and promoter of the Anthropocene debate, in the perspective of the Social and Human Sciences.

Book launch "FCTVIVA - Biodiversidade no Campus " - December 6

The launch of the book "FCTVIVA - Biodiversidade no Campus", authored by Professor Rosa Paiva (Coordinator) and Mónica Almeida , will take place next Wednesday, December 6, at 2:30 p.m., in the Library Auditorium.
