

Autonomous systems: inter-relations of technical and societal issues


This conference has the support of the project for Portuguese-German collaboration on "Technology Assessment of Autonomous Robotics" (DAAD and CRUP-A-21/09).
It is to be held at the premises of Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, at Campus UNL of Caparica (Portugal), on the next 5 and 6 November 2009. The conference covers the following topics:
* Assessment of job design in work environments with robots
* human-machine systems (anthropocentric robotics)
* cognitive aspects of work with robots
* ergonomy and humanoid systems
* Legal aspects
* ageing society (implants, domotics, care-robots...)
* Materials assessment (nanomaterials...)
* design and implications of autonomous systems (robotics, sensors, ambient intelligence, integration...)
The papers adress technical topics/challenges and their "mirrored" social, economical, ethical, legal aspects/topics. It is also expected that they would be related to new concepts and to applications in Manufacturing industry, Health institutions, Military Services, Construction, Space or ocean, Search and rescue, Hazardous environments.
The organisation of the conference is under the responsability of IET-Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation (FCT-UNL) and ITAS-Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. The Scientific Committee of the Conference has the following members:
* Rüdiger Dillman (Uni Karlsruhe)
* Adolfo Steiger Garção (FCT-UNL)
* Michael Decker(Uni Karlsruhe)
* Armin Grunwald (Uni Karlsruhe)
* António Brandão Moniz (FCT-UNL)
* Mathias Gutmann (Uni Karlsruhe)
* José Barata (FCT-UNL)
* Uli Gengenbach (IAI-FZK)
* José Miquel Cabeças (FCT-UNL)
The fees are the following:
* Normal fee – 150 euros
* Student fee – 75 euros
They include:
* Lunch and Dinner
* Transport for a company visit (November 5th)
* Proceedings publication
* Local information
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